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Blowtorch Burglary – What It is & How to Prevent it (Expert View)

Blowtorch Burglary Prevention

You may have heard of the recent crime called Blowtorch burglary, we will tell you how to prevent this from happening to your door locks and also how common blowtorch burglary is.

As the UK’s largest locksmith association we are aware of different methods of burglary used by criminals to gain entry.

This information is offered to us by our approved master locksmiths and Police Forces who we have close relationships with.

What is Blowtorch Burglary?

Blowtorch burglary is a method of entry used by thieves where, as the term suggests, thieves are using a blowtorch to attack door handles and locks.    

The crime is not very common across the UK at the moment, as lock snapping is a far more common burglary method used by criminals as it is quicker.

Blowtorch Burglarly on door

Blowtorch Burglary on uPVC door

What Type Of Doors & Locks are at Risk to This Crime?

The reports we have seen seem to indicate it is being done mostly on uPVC and composite doors.

How Can I Prevent Blowtorch Burglary?

Prevent Blowtorch Burglary using SS312 Diamond Cylinder

How a SS312 Diamond Approved Cylinder stops a Blowtorch burglary

To protect against blowtorch burglary we recommend the following:

1. Fit a Anti Snap Lock to your uPVC Door

Any euro-cylinder lock fitted to your uPVC or composite door should be:

Upgrade to Anti Snap Locks

Install ‘anti-snap locks’ to prevent blowtorch burglaries & lock snapping, find a locksmith in your area.

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Best Lock to Prevent Lock Snapping

Why will an Anti Snap lock prevent Blowtorch Burglary?

Should a criminal use a blowtorch to melt your door they will not able to snap your door lock when they try, this is because the anti-snap locked fitted will prevent any attempt at snapping your door lock.

Anti Snap lock preventing Blowtorch burglary

Anti Snap lock has prevented a blowtorch burglary

2. Add Sash Jammers to your Door

Fitting Sash Jammers to your door will prevent your door from opening if the lock is bypassed.

Sash Jammers are cheap & quick security addition to any uPVC, composite or wooden door, which an MLA Approved locksmith can install quickly.

3. Alternative Blowtorch Protection

The TORCHGUARD from Sashstop is a quick and easy addition to any door that can protect against Blowtorch Burglary.

Torchguard Blowtorch Burglary Prevention

Torchguard fitted to a uPVC Door handle to prevent Blowtorch Burglary

How it Protects against Blowtorch Burglary

The Torchguard deflects heat away, protecting around your handle & lock in the event of a blowtorch attack, as well as being a visual deterrent from any potential attacker.

4. Using a Vetted & Inspected Locksmith

Always use a local master locksmith to specify, supply and fit your security products as fitting any locks incorrectly could put your home or business at risk.

Ultimate Security Combination to Prevent Blowtorch Burglary

To achieve maximum door security you may wish to fit:

  1. SS312 Diamond Cylinder Lock AND
  2. SS301 Bronze Handle/Escutcheon
  3. TS007 3 Star Cylinder Lock AND
  4. TS007 2 Star Door Handle/Escutcheon

This is the best door lock and handle combination that will prevent burglary methods such as lock snapping and blowtorch burglary (this is a ‘belt and braces’ approach).

False Media Reports about using TS007 1 Star

Recent media reports stated that fitting a euro cylinder lock that is TS007 1 Star approved will help stop this crime, this is NOT TRUE.

Any euro-cylinder lock that you fit MUST be a TS007 3 Star, or ideally SS312 Diamond.

Concerned about Blowtorch Burglary?

A locksmith can upgrade your locks & handles to prevent blowtorch burglary.

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