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Home > ADVICE AND TIPS (FAQS) > Locksmith Career Guide – 10 Quick Tips
Here at the Master Locksmiths Association, we get many questions about people wanting to know how to become a locksmith, some have just left school or the army, some are looking for a career change.
Below are tips to help you in a career as a potential locksmith, from what qualifications are required, advice on training providers, hours you may work to what you put in a future locksmith business plan.
Beginners Courses
We currently run an ABBE Level 4 Certificate in General Locksmithing Skills Qualification, this is an Ofqual regulated nationally recognised qualification with the specialist awarding body ABBE (the Awarding Body for the Built Environment).
For more on the topic of locksmith qualifications, please see our locksmith qualification page.
What if I take a course at the MLA? – We provide all attendees of our courses with a certificate of attendance.
Locksmith Qualification Programme
Should you go self employed as a locksmith and setup your own compay y.ou will need business skills on top of locksmithing skills.
Skills you will need as your own locksmith will range from marketing, accounts, setting up a website, general business knowledge, that’s if you’ve never run your own business before.
Working for an already established locksmith company means you will only need to concentrate on your skills as a locksmith ( mechanical engineering, carpentry, people skills etc.. ).
Skills to be a locksmith
To help you start a career as a locksmith, and make a good earning as a locksmith you will be need to ask yourself:
Training FAQ’s – Your questions answered
You will need to think about training to become a locksmith as there are different courses available.
Do you want to take a locksmith course or take an apprenticeship in locksmithing? – be aware that the government’s trailblazer apprenticeship scheme ceased in 2016.
The type of training you do will depend on the type of services you want to offer – see tip #5 below.
Once you’ve been trading as a locksmith you may want to look into offering more services, think of taking advanced courses in areas such as lock opening, furniture locks and working with aluminium doors.
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Think about what locksmith services you want to offer (and more importantly what sort of services are required by customers):
Find your niche and dominate it!
With all the costs of starting up including:
Don’t underestimate these costs!
A lot of locksmiths offer 24-hour emergency service, how will this fit in with your family life? Is it something that you want to offer.
Some locksmiths offer a 24-hour emergency service
Do your research on the Locksmith training provider, whilst there is a lot of good quality training available there is also a lot of poor training out there.
Finally don’t forget you never stop learning, with new products, changing standards etc..
Free training is put on at MLA Regional meetings
You will always need to keep up to speed and refresh your knowledge. For example, MLA members do this by regularly attending regional meetings.
After taking our beginners locksmith courses, many go onto take our advanced modules which allows them to offer more services as a locksmith.
There is also Europe’s largest exhibition MLA Expo, there will be over 70 training classes and seminars taking place over the weekend, some of these are FREE.
View All Advanced Courses MLA Expo – Free Locksmith Event
Don’t believe the hype spread by some training organizations who sell locksmithing as a ‘get rich quick career’ – short courses will not automatically lead to a £60K a year career as a locksmith
Be wary of companies that sell locksmith tools as an add-on to their training courses, this is where companies can make a large amount of profit.
Also, tools required will depend on the type of work you end up doing, and to a certain degree the area in which you’re based.
We at the MLA do not sell any locksmith tools ourselves but can highlight the kind of tools required as well as point you towards trusted companies in the industry to buy them from.
Should you want to become a Locksmith you will have the opportunity to join the MLA, this will come with many benefits.
Personal Membership – Various options depending on how long you’ve been in the industry.
Approved Company membership – Use the converted MLA Logo on your website, promotional materials and even your company van.
Featured on our Find A Locksmith page on our website – promotion for your company on our site ( #1 on Google for many Locksmith terms! ).
Request a locksmith course pack below, or contact us for more information on our courses.
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01327 262 255
Locksmith Career Guide – 10 Quick Tips
What qualifications do I need to be a locksmith?
Locksmith Earnings – Can you earn a £60k to £100K salary as a locksmith after a 3 day course?
Do I need a qualification to trade as a Locksmith? – Official Statement
What is the Best Locksmith Course for a Beginner?
How to Become a Locksmith – Advice from UK’s Largest Locksmith Association
What Knowledge is Required to be a Locksmith? – Quick Checklist
Skills To Be a Successful Locksmith – Tips from Trading Locksmiths
Our Locksmiths are criminal record checked.How we check our locksmiths
Our Locksmiths are Regularly Inspected.How we inspect our locksmiths
Our Locksmiths have passed the MLA Qualification.Read about MLA Qualification
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