A uPVC door not opening when unlocked & stays locked shut is one of the most common door lock problems that MLA approved locksmiths come across, multipoint locks are easy for our locksmiths to repair.
Find out how a locksmith can help open your uPVC front door quickly, how much it will cost to open, and also how long it will take to repair a uPVC door lock not opening.
uPVC Won’t Open? Find a Locksmith
Find a locksmith to fix and open your uPVC door approved by the Master Locksmiths Association.
1. uPVC Door Won’t Open – Can a Locksmith Open my Door?
If your uPVC door won’t open then a Master Locksmith specialising in uPVC lock repairs can open your door quickly, the problem is usually quite quick to solve such as the door dropping or the lock mechanism not working.
Common uPVC door problems a locksmith can help with:
- My uPVC door won’t open when door is unlocked
- My uPVC door won’t open from the inside or outside
- uPVC door won’t open in the hot weather
- uPVC door not opening at the top or bottom
Contact a MLA Approved locksmith
My uPVC Door is Sticking
2. My uPVC Door Won’t Open When Unlocked
A uPVC door that won’t open when unlocked typically means your door needs realigning OR the latch follower is broken. The solution will be either be door realignment or gearbox replacement.
3. How much does it cost to open a uPVC door that will not open?
The average price for a locksmith to repair a uPVC door that will not open is likely to cost from £100 which will include the locksmith’s labour cost.
In some instances it can be a simple fix; adjusting hinges, keeps or lubricate your uPVC door.
The price may increase if the uPVC lock mechanism has broken causing the door to fail, so your lock mechanism will need replacing.
uPVC Door Lock Experts
We have over 340 Locksmiths in the UK approved by the Master Locksmiths Association that can help with uPVC door and window locks.
For more on costs read our locksmith price guide which also has a price list checklist and information on call out charges.
4. How long will it take to fix a uPVC door lock that won’t open?
It should take approx 30 minutes to fix a uPVC door that won’t open, although it can take longer if there are complications.
A complication that could take longer to fix is the multipoint lock hooks on the door not moving, so access is restricted to fix the lock.
Find a locksmith near you to help open your uPVC door.
5. Will I need a new door if my uPVC door does not open?
No you should NOT need a new door if your uPVC door won’t open, an MLA approved locksmith who is an expert with uPVC doors & multipoint locks can help.
If your door is very old and not fitted well, it could be most cost-effective to get a new door than spend money fixing the current one.
6. My uPVC door will not open, but door locks & unlocks: Why?
If your uPVC door doesn’t open from the inside or outside, the reasons for this could be:
- uPVC door could have dropped and is catching in one or more of the locking points.
- Something has broken in the Gearbox mechanism.
- A hook or deadbolt may not be retracting properly.
- The uPVC lock mechanism could have seized up.
7. What should I do when my uPVC door won’t open?
If you are locked out or locked inside and your uPVC door won’t open, we recommend you contact a local MLA approved locksmith to come and professionally sort out the problem for you.
8. What NOT to do when a uPVC Door won’t open
If your uPVC door won’t open at all, below is what you should not do:
- DO NOT Attempt to drill the lock/door yourself
- DO NOT Attempt to take your uPVC door lock apart yourself!
Pro Tip: Trying to fix a uPVC door lock yourself is the worst thing to do.
9. How can I prevent my uPVC door from not opening again?
To stop your uPVC door lock from not opening again in the future, we recommend the following:
- Clean your uPVC door and keep the sills clean.
- Lubricate your uPVC door with a good silicone lubricant every 6 months.
- If your door becomes hard to operate, call an MLA locksmith who will adjust it preventing the locking mechanism from failing.
Repair uPVC Door or Window Lock
Find a uPVC lock expert near you approved by the Master Locksmiths Association. We have over 340 locksmiths across the UK that can help with your uPVC lock.
Related Reading
- uPVC Door won’t Lock – What to do
- Improve uPVC Door Security – Tips from the Experts