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Home > News > How locksmiths are working differently during COVID-19
As it currently stands locksmiths are currently working during COVID-19 in the UK, although our locksmiths are having to work slightly differently compared to normal.
We reached out to some of our Approved Locksmiths to ask them how differently they were working during the COVID-19 outbreak and since the strict Government lockdown.
We have now closed both our shops but are offering an emergency service only but staffing is a problem, no one wants to go out !!!
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Since the lockdown we have reduced our trade counter opening hours by 2 hours a day.
We are only able to operate an emergency service for our commercial contract customers and for issues that are deemed absolutely essential and critical to site security.
All our admin are working from home, with only one member of staff in the shop on a rota basis.
Our Shop is still open 10 am-3 pm Mon – Fri but allowing 1 customer in at a time.
“If cutting keys requesting customers to wait outside whilst this is being done”
All previous cleaning measures etc in place, our engineers working from cars/home are attending emergency call outs 9-5 pm only.
We have shut the shop, we are servicing our account customers, but we are offering an emergency service only, for other customers.
We are only taking on emergency locksmithing work, locks outs, locks in, and if one of the externally doors to a property is not working property causing access or security problems.
Currently attending only lockouts, lockins and insecure property. We are considering other jobs, but repair jobs may be considered as non-essential at the moment.
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Our shop is now closed. We were installing as much as we could but now have no work.
We are covering emergencies where we can and still have alarms to maintain but will be relatively dormant until things get back to normal
We have closed our workshops and showrooms to the public.
“All planned work has been postponed but we have 2 engineers available for emergency work if necessary…going straight to site from home when possible.”
I have been in the office updating customers as required and have cut a few urgent keys and supplied replacement locks for the local hospitals, colleges and housing associations etc…
We are shutting the shop until we are allowed to re-open, and the outside work would only be emergency work, if health allows.
We are currently having to self isolate some staff which is leaving us short-staffed. We are asking customers to wait outside our shop if there is 1 person being served and have reduced staff members in the public area
Customers have been asked to let us know if they are self-isolating or if anyone in the property is, and if so appointments will be rearranged.
We are taking as many precautions as possible at the moment regarding COVID-19. Gloves are being worn at all times we are making sure that every key, lock, tool and door we work with are as clean as possible before and after use!
All our staff are equipped with Masks, Gloves, Hand Gel, Alcohol Spray and Disposable Shoe Protectors.
Before we enter site we asses the job and wear the appropriate kit.
Prior to entering a site we spray our hands with Alcohol spray and check with the customer that they are happy with the kit we are wearing, we spray our hands with Alcohol spray when leaving the property.
On each job we are asking customers not approach us and keep their distance whilst we are working, wiping all surfaces, doors, handles, locks etc that we are handling before and after touching.
“Payment is taken by card where possible with invoices being email rather than handwritten.”
Hand sanitiser is kept in the van and on our persons, gloves are used when necessary.
Andy of The Key Centre with hand sanitiser and mask
We are now opening at weekends so that we can serve those customers who need us.
During Covid-19, normal working hours and life patterns have changed dramatically.
As further information becomes available we are creating new health and safety procedures but it is critical that customers use sensible precautions themselves.
We are more cautious with our safety, using gloves, Alcohol sanitiser regularly and respirators if requested
External engineers attending site straight from home and collecting stock from the premises only when necessary and either before or after opening hours to avoid as much contact as possible.
“All locks & keys are being disinfected prior to being delivered or handed to the customer.”
All surfaces are being cleaned and disinfected following any work carried out and staff are practicing social distancing whilst onsite or in our showrooms.
We haven’t actually stopped services but we are limited because of staffing issues, I am currently working from home self-isolation, we have 3 staff in self-isolation at the moment.
We are no longer operating a 24/7 emergency locksmith for domestic customers to help minimise risk of exposure to our on call engineers.
We are still offering the same services as we always have and are doing our best to get to as many jobs as possible to help people during these troubling times.
We understand a lot of business are having to close temporarily and need their premises secured and will continue to do this until we are told that we no longer can!
We are not currently refusing to go to any sites, this will be assessed in the future as necessary.
People call locksmiths for security – this means they feel unsafe and from the customer’s point of view this is urgent.
We cannot ignore this and we are not stopping any services unless specifically instructed to by the government.
We haven’t stopped any of our services but there has been a definite decrease in shop trade and locksmith work
All services remain in place on the proviso the government guidelines are followed and all safety precautions are taken into account.
We are really struggling to carry our general work which we do under contract for the Universities and the Police, they are still expecting us to maintain KPI’s, which is very difficult at the moment
“It is very difficult for us and too be truthful, I just wish the government, would enforce the closure of all businesses”
We would know where we stand but that is difficult in the service industry.
Obviously this has caused a decrease in work, we currently have a contract with one of our local councils, this had been stopped for the time being, and we are turning away all non-emergency work.
At the moment we have had a few commercial jobs postponed for the time being due to people working from home and our trade counter has seen a reduction in the amount of customers.
The main decrease in work we have noticed is key cutting. The foot fall where our workshop is based has dropped dramatically due to customers being in isolation or working from home so this is affecting our general workshop business.
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We have had no difference in work as yet, hopefully it will stay like that??
General workload has decreased through March, but we expect locksmiths will be badly needed as life/work patterns change and physical security system usage is adapted at home and at work.
There may be a much-increased threat to un-occupied property which we stand ready for.
Luckily we still have a few booking for alarm and CCTV installs but not a lot on the horizon so we may have to close for a period and just cover emergency work?
We have noticed a slight decrease in footfall to our showrooms which is to be expected but our external services continue to run to ensure our non-emergency but sometimes essential services are available.
We have over 340 Locksmiths in the UK vetted by the UK’s largest locksmiths association.
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