MLA Master Locksmiths are Vetted Inspected Qualified

Member List

As the UK’s largest trade association for locksmiths, the Master Locksmiths Association comprises a variety of membership categories.

MLA membership is for trading companies and individuals, the levels of membership are below:

Approved Company Membership

Approved Company Membership is awarded to locksmith companies having successfully undergone an inspection by the Association’s Inspectorate. This is the trading’ sector of the Association and its membership is promoted to the public, police, insurers, Government and all potential customers.


Personal Membership

Registered Member – This category of membership, the entry level to the MLA, is suitable for all levels of experience, from those totally new to the industry (haven’t undertaken training yet but interested to do so) to locksmiths who have been working in the industry for years but have not yet passed the MLA or ALA qualification.

Qualified Master locksmith (QML) – This category of membership is dedicated to locksmiths who have passed the MLA (formerly BLI) Qualification.

Qualified Master Locksmiths may claim membership of the Master Locksmiths Association on their own website, and where used on their website must be clear as to their category of membership.

Members are entitled to use of the logo on business stationary and corporate wear only. Logo use on advertising material or website etc. is not allowed.

Qualified Master Locksmith Fellow (QMLF) – This category of membership is dedicated to members who have been a member at this level for 7 years will, upon submitting relevant evidence, to the board of directors, of extraordinary work for the association or the industry be considered for Fellow QML membership.

Members, successful in this, may use the initials “FMLA” after his name, or such initials as the Board may designate from time to time.

Auto Qualified Master Locksmith (QML Auto Only) – This category of membership is dedicated to Auto locksmiths who have passed the Auto Locksmiths Association (ALA) Exam.

Auto Qualified Master Locksmiths may claim membership of the Master Locksmiths Association on their own website, and where used on their website must be clear as to their category of membership.

Members are entitled to use of the logo on business stationary and corporate wear only. Logo use on advertising material or website etc. is not allowed.

Retired Member – This Category of membership is in place for former members who are now retired.

Honorary Member – This Category of membership is for those…

Associated Security Industry Member – For persons who are at least 16 years of age and either (1) by virtue of their occupation, are actively concerned with the locksmithing and/or security industry and have been for at least the previous 2 years, or (2) are practising locksmiths outside the United Kingdom and whose ability and integrity satisfies the Board of the Association.

Applicants are required to provide two references and complete the relevant application forms.

In addition, applicants must subscribe to the Aims and Objectives of the Association and hold a position, which, in the opinion of the Board, will enable them to be active in promoting those Aims and Objectives.


Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Membership is for Companies, Manufacturers and/or Distributors of materials, equipment or services to, or in connection with, the locksmithing industry and who wish to support the Aims and Objectives of the Association.

  • Membership can only be awarded to Trading Names/Companies and not to Groups or Holding Companies.
  • A representative must be nominated; this representative having one vote on behalf of the Affiliate.
  • All communications will normally be directed to the representative.
  • Applicants are required to complete the relevant application forms.

Affiliates are authorised to display the MLA Affiliate member Logo on any advertisement, letterhead or other media displaying the Affiliate’s name.


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