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4 Ways To Protect Your Valuables In The Home

Protecting Your Valuables Week banner image
We provide some advice and tips on protecting your valuables & possessions in your home that will be at risk from burglars if you do not take preventions to stay safe.

Whilst the main emphasis is to keep burglars from a) targeting your property in the first place and b) gaining entry (and hence the emphasis on door & window security ), if a burglar does get into your home then here we cover some ways to keep your valuable possessions secure.

1. Do You Have a Home Alarm?

60% of burglary attempts on homes with alarms are unsuccessful HOWEVER 71% of homes still don’t have a working burglar alarm.

Different types of Home Alarms:

When it comes to burglar alarms there are 2 main types:-

Audible Alert only

These types of alarms will simply sound when triggered.

Monitored Alarms

Monitored alarms will not only sound but also notify people when activated.

Yale Alarm outside House image

Yale external alarm box

Alarm inside house

Alarm panel inside the home

How to get a Police Response

In order to get Police response then a URN is required which normally means the alarm has to have been installed and maintained by an NSI or SSAIB approved installer.

Alarm Installation Near You

Thinking about Alarm Installation? Find an Alarm installer approved by the UK’s largest locksmiths association.

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2. Most Common Stolen Items From The Home Are….

Computers, cash, small electrical goods and jewellery are among the most commonly stolen items in domestic burglaries as they are small and relatively easy for the common thief to sell on.

image of Cash and Laptop

Keep your valuables out of sight

  • Keep your valuables safe and out of sight – Don’t leave anything on display that may tempt a thief to break in.
  • 21% of people never hide valuables – It’s interesting to note statistics that show 21% of people never hide their valuable possessions when leaving the house.
  • 37% of people leave portable gadgets on show – Even more worryingly 37% of people leave portable gadget such as tablets or e-books easily accessible.
  • Burglars know where to look – And don’t think that hiding stuff in the sock drawer is enough! This brings us on to safes.

3.  Security Safes for Valuables at Home

Keep your cash and jewellery safe 

For additional peace of mind, valuable items such as cash & jewellery can be stored in a professional specified and fitted home safe.

Home Security Safe image

Gunnebo Safe – Protect your valuables by using a home safe

Ensure The Safe is Professional Specified and Fitted

Yes, so-called “safes” can be purchased in supermarkets but you need to look for one that has 3rd party accreditation to ensure they actually keep things, well, safe!

Thieves will take the WHOLE safe with them –  and spend as long as they want getting it open. The safe must be anchored to a secure object – either an external wall or a solid floor.

Home Safe Installation

We have home safe installers across the UK all vetted and approved by the UK’s largest locksmith association.

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4. Keep Documents & Data Safe With a Fire/Data Safe

Protect yourself from identity theft

Store important documents and/or electronic data in a home safe:

Data Fire Safe from Burton Safes image

Burton Safes Data Fire Safe – A Fire/Data safe will protect personal documents

  • Securely bolt down the safe as this will not only keep them secure but also safe from the likes of fire etc.
  • Shred confidential documents like bank statements, bills etc.. when no longer needed, and to shred addresses details etc.
  • ID-related information should ideally be locked in a filing cabinet.
  • Remember to check your home alarm regularly

If you are unsure your local MLA locksmith will be able to advise accordingly.

Data & Fire Proof Safe Installation

We have data & fire proof safe installers across the UK all vetted and approved by the UK’s largest locksmith association.

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Further Reading

Why use a MLA Approved Locksmith?

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