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Have you lost your car keys or keyless remote fob & have no spare? an auto locksmith approved by the MLA can replace any type of key for all vehicle models, use our search tool to replace your lost car keys.
On this page we will cover much it costs to replace lost car keys, how long it will take and if you can get a new key without having the original.
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The best & fastest way to replace lost car keys is using a Auto locksmith who are experts with car keys so will provide you with a replacement set for whatever vehicle ( motorbike, car, van, truck, scooter etc.. ) you have.
To find out 5 ways to replace lost car keys click here we tell you what the cheapest and fastest way to get replacement keys is.
If you can’t find your car keys we will answer the following questions to help you get replacement car keys quickly:
An Auto Locksmith can help you with lost keys for any type of motor vehicle from a car, van, truck or motorcycle.  So if you need a spare car key cutting or your remote car key programming we recommend to contact a local MLA approved auto locksmith near you.
In order to assist the auto locksmith the following information will help:
Two types of car keys – There are generally two types, these are remote keys and non-remotes ( transponder keys ).
Your remote will most likely be one of the following three types:
A key with remote fob
The remote will unlock and turn off the alarm, the key then used in the ignition to start the vehicle.
What a remote car key looks like
The remote will unlock the doors, turn off the alarm & Immobiliser, whilst the key starts the ignition.
What a keyless entry fob looks like
Keyless cars tend to have mechanical keys hidden in the fob know as a remote keyless fob, for use in emergencies to unlock the doors.
READ MORE: Keyless Car Theft – how to prevent it
What a standard transponder key looks like
Most cars after 1995 have transponder chips that are programmed to a specific car.
Non-remote keys will have:
If your car key is broken – then you won’t be able to turn the ignition, therefore, the vehicle will not be able to start, so you will need a replacement transponder chip.
The cost to replace the key can range from as low as £25 to well over £200, the price will depend on the following factors:
Get at least 3 quotes – we recommend you get a quote from a local auto locksmith near to you, most likely they will be cheaper than going to your local vehicle dealer or using your car insurance as some policies do not cover lost keys.
Get a Quote for Lost Car Keys
No, it does not matter, if you’ve lost your only set of keys, an auto locksmith can provide you with a replacement and re-program the new car key to match your vehicle. The old key will be de-programmed to make it useless, in case it has been stolen.
The time it takes to provide a spare replacement key will depend on the following factors:
Auto locksmiths are fast – They carry a wide range of key blanks in most cases, they will be able give you a replacement car key on the same day.
Auto locksmiths approved by Master Locksmiths Association are Vetted, Inspected & Qualified.
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If you do not have the original key, a locksmith will be to program a new key for your vehicle.
Identification required – All that is required is your vehicle identification number (VIN) found in the logbook/V5C, and you may be asked for proof of identification.
With modern vehicles, there is no need to change the locks for your vehicle as an auto locksmith may be able to either reconfigure the existing locks or program out the lost keys.
Lost car keys can be programmed out – any lost keys can be programmed out of the database of your car thereby stopping anyone else using them, this is done using specialist diagnostic equipment which is plugged into the vehicle.
Some insurers offer key cover as part of your car insurance policy for lost and stolen keys, although most only offer this as an additional add-on or upgrade to your policy.
You will find details if you can claim on your car insurance in the terms and conditions of your policy documents.
Check your no claims – we recommend checking it does not affect your no-claims discount before claiming though.
If your vehicle keys are stolen an auto locksmith will be able to do the following:
We recommend having your vehicle’s window etched with the reg number OR having the last 7 digits of the VIN ( vehicle identification number ) etched.
Why have vehicle window etched? this will make a stolen vehicle harder to sell, it also makes it an easier job for the police to get your stolen car back.
The Met Police have advice on what to do if your vehicle is stolen on their website.
All types of vehicles – It is not just lost car keys an auto locksmith specialises in, below are some other vehicles that can easily be replaced:
All manufacturers replaced – No matter what model you have, all auto locksmith can replace most manufacturers ranging from Ford, Peugeot, Mitsubishi, Honda, BMW, Volkswagen VW, MINI Cooper, Mercedes, Skoda, Fiat, Mazda, Citroen, Hyundai, Audi, Vauxhall etc…
Car key model prices vary – As mentioned above some keys may be more expensive than others due to the immobiliser system the vehicle has, and if the key needs programming.
Most offer a mobile service – a lot of locksmiths provide a mobile service and will be able to travel to you and do the work on site, with all key blanks and programming software carried in their van.
The fastest & most likely cheapest way to replace your lost car keys is to contact your nearest auto locksmith who will provide you with a replacement set fast.
Most auto locksmiths offer a 24-hour emergency call out service as well so will get to you urgently if your keys are lost out of hours.
We have over 100 Auto Locksmiths in the UK to replace Lost Car Keys.
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