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Home > Trade > Locksmith Training Courses > Women in Locksmithing Foundation Course
Our Women in locksmithing foundation course is a 2 day beginners locksmith course offering the opportunity for women to explore locksmithing and connect with others considering a career in the trade.
This foundation course is designed for individuals interested in pursuing a career as a locksmith, as well as those in supporting roles such as sales or service. It is an essential training opportunity for anyone involved in the industry.
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During the 2-day course, participants will learn the fundamentals of locksmithing, from understanding how locks work to key cutting and safe basics. Theory, methodology and terminology will be covered, followed by hands-on training.
This practical experience serves as a foundation for further learning through our supplementary beginners’ modules, advanced courses and with lots of practice.
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Location Rugby, Warwickshire – click for directions Date latest course dates
Secure your place on our course by filling in our online booking form or contact us for more information.
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Courses we currently offer include:
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Skills To Be a Successful Locksmith – Tips from Trading Locksmiths
Do I need a qualification to trade as a Locksmith? – Official Statement
What Knowledge is Required to be a Locksmith? – Quick Checklist
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